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note to self: i’ll be there for you, always

written june 6, 2021. Photo by Kristine Cinate on Unsplash I have always looked for myself in other people. I think the idea was that they would somehow hold the pieces of me that I felt were missing. That maybe, if I wrapped my identity up in theirs enough, we would somehow make a whole person. It's not healthy to live like this, but I did it anyway — burning through relationships and searching for something I couldn't quite name. It was never enough, not to be myself, but it was never enough to latch my identity to other people, either. I got close, several times — I thought I had reached the pinnacle of self discovery. I thought I had completed myself. But in the end, relying on other people to help build yourself is never a viable way to do things. It's only recently that I've started to become comfortable with the idea of being enough, as I am, on my own. Several years ago, in this same position, I would have searched for another person to attach my identity onto,...

Beautiful People - August Edition

Welcome to the August edition of Beautiful People! Yay! It's so good to be back.

If you haven't heard of it before, Beautiful People is a blog meme hosted by Cait @ Notebook Sisters and myself. Every month we post 10 questions for you to answer on your own blogs about your characters. (They can be used as a private resource, but the primary design of this is a link-up.) The linky is below for you to sign. It makes it extra lovely if you go around and visit the other commenters and comment!

Please link back using one of the buttons below:

And now for this month's questions! Many of these were submitted, so shout out to Ana, A Finch of the Soul, and Rachel--thanks!

And... VOILA.

1) What does your character regret the most in their life? 
2) What is your character's happiest memory? Most sorrowful memory? 
3) What majorly gets on your character’s nerves? 
4) Do they act differently when they're around people as opposed to being alone? If so, how? 
5) What are their beliefs and superstitions? (Examples: their religion or lack of one, conspiracy theories, throwing salt, fear of black cats.) 
6) What are their catchphrases, or things they say frequently? 
7) Would they be more prone to facing fears or running from them? 
8) Do they have a good self image? 
9) Do they turn to people when they're upset, or do they isolate themselves? 
10) If they were standing next to you would it make you laugh or cry? 

Now go answer, and have tons of fun! Because yes, having fun is mandatory. ;)
Add your link right here!
1. TW Wright  19. Victoria Grace Howell @ Stori Tori's Blog  37. Kiri Liz @ Lianne Taimenlore  
2. Kathryn @ Hidden Orchards  20. Krissy @ Words in my Soul  38. The Author @ To Write Or Not To Write  
3. Becca@The Lumber-room  21. likklebex @ Tippety Typer Must get Writing  39. Becca @ CleverBunnies  
4. Miss Molly: To Write Something Worth Reading.  22. Andrea Nan @ Fantasies and Fountainpens  40. Alexandrina @ MissAlexandrina  
5. Mary B  23. Zoe @ Life Writer  41. Awdur @ The Pen of Awdur  
6. Sky @ Further Up and Further In  24. Lisa @ Godsdaughter4ever  42. Mariah @ Godwottery Shenanigans  
7. Kate @ The Magic Violinist  25. Katheline @ Fantasies of a Pocket Human  43. Jordan @ Dream Big. Dream Out Loud  
8. Annegirl@ Scribblings  26. Kara @ Diary of a Teen Writer  44. Cait @ Notebook Sisters  
9. Anna @ Anna's Notebook  27. Tara (T. T. Kesley)  45. Bethany @ Clever Bunnies  
10. Ivy Miranda @ Revealed In Time  28. Ely @ what can I say?  46. Emily @ Emily Etc.  
11. Sky @ Ashen Sky Life  29. Hayden @ The Story Girl  47. Olivia @ The Scribbleagonist  
12. Jaguar Hero! @ The Dancing Lawn  30. Hannah Barta @ walking in the air.  48. J. Grace Pennington  
13. Jameson @ Lovely Whatsoevers  31. Lydia @ Peanut Butter Girl  49. Briana @ Reader Writer Critic  
14. Westmoure @ Revelations  32. Cassia Taylor @ Dimensions of My Universe  50. Imogen@Gossiping with Dragons  
15. Robyn @ Spiral-Bound  33. Christine @ Musings of an Elf  51. Ana @ Butterflies of the Imagination  
16. Ashley @ Ashen Sky Life  34. Ashley G. @ [insert title here]  52. Éowyn @ Captured by the Word  
17. Sophia @ Ravens and Writing Desks  35. Elizabeth Kirkwood and Lawrence Coddington  
18. The Pen of a Ready Writer  36. Katie @ Wordsmith on the Road  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


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